The best way to tell the story of VERA's work is through the story and images of what we have achieved with our clients.
Because every client helps us to grow, not only professionally.
More than 1,000 Italian actors (and musicians) had never managed to obtain the modest remuneration that they are entitled to when the reruns of a film or TV drama are broadcast.
We went to Parliament, in suit and tie, to ask for the abolition of an embarrassing monopoly, in which only power and not artists were interested.
To demand that actors too could decide who to entrust their earnings to.
Today the monopoly no longer exists. The rules have changed, and the actors have their own cooperative; musicians have one too.
Now even Europe agrees with us.
It has been a tough battle. We even wrote a book about it.
"After all, it's only an App", we started from here, with the global leader in web booking, to let people know - instead - how much work there is behind a simple and functional platform.
We convinced IT experts to make what appeared to be virtual concrete.
We told people how the system works.
We showed the faces of 300 Italian employees, desks and computers, papers and contracts.
We told passers-by about the tourism of the future through fashion and design.
"If it didn't exist, we would have to invent it," said a small hotelier in Sicily recently.
A few years ago, we came into contact with the official delegation of the President of the National Assembly and Interim President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidò, who was sent to Italy to dialogue with national institutions. The aim was to recognise Guaidò himself as interim President of Venezuela in order to lead the Country towards free, transparent and democratic elections. We were asked for support in this process.
We were privileged to hear directly from the protagonists about the real situation in Venezuela and to hear their stories.
The Italian government declared the last presidential elections illegitimate and recognised the full legitimacy of the National Assembly.
With the aim of creating a unique project for one of the world's leading travel experience providers, we opened the doors of the Unicorn House in Milan during Milan Design Week.
We came up with an idea that would enhance the concept of travel linked to alternative experiences and accommodation, and after a thorough analysis of the most popular trends, both online and offline, we offered the public the chance to stay in a unique, fully customised flat.
With over 9 million posts on Instagram alone with the hashtag #unicorn, the "unicorn mania" turned out to be a worldwide phenomenon.
Moving freely is everyone's right including, especially, people with disabilities.
Promoting the mobility of people with disabilities means promoting their social and professional inclusion. Allowing, for example, people with disabilities to park for free near the places where they intend to go is a civilised choice, but daily experience has shown us that the reality is quite different.
This is why we have worked together with Cittadinanzattiva and UILDM, to promote the presentation of a Bill that intends to allow citizens with disabilities to park for free in the blue lines.