VERA supports its clients in their dealings with all those who, for various reasons, contribute to the success of an initiative or project: institutions, associations, trade unions, shareholders and the financial community, employees, local communities and the media.
Thanks to the experience and skills acquired, VERA:
To us, communication is consistency. This simple concept also sums up the ethical and professional imprint that identifies us. This is why we are the first company in Italy to have adhered to the Responsible Lobbying principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
The Institutional Relations Area handles relations between customers and representatives of the relevant national, local and European institutions. The Area coordinates the entire communication process: from the identification of messages to the preparation and divulgation of materials, from the selection of interlocutors to the organisation of meetings, from the management of information flows to the check of objectives.
The Corporate Communication Area assists companies in defining their communication strategy. The Area develops operational plans and monitors their implementation. It manages crisis situations in synergy with the Institutional Area. It outlines rebranding and corporate positioning paths.a
The Media Relations Area supports companies, associations, law firms, funds and start-ups by defining communication strategies and plans in constant dialogue with the various target audiences. In particular, it deals with brand positioning and handles relations with journalists and media, both traditional and new, using useful tools to achieve communication objectives.